Welcome to The Hill Group’s proposals for Crescent House
Welcome to the proposals for Crescent House
Welcome to this next phase of public consultation presenting the Hill Group’s proposals to redevelop the site of the College of North West London’s (CNWL) Wembley Park campus at Crescent House, Wembley Park Drive, Wembley Park, Wembley HA9 8HP.
This site, in addition to the CNWL Dollis Hill campus, enables the development of the new, fi t-for-purpose Wembley CNWL College, linking all three sites. It also presents a unique opportunity to create an exciting mixed use place and high quality residential neighbourhood.
The CNWL has plans in place to relocate to a new, purpose-built world-class education facility on another site on Olympic Way. The redevelopment of this existing CNWL site will enable this relocation, and presents a unique opportunity to create an exciting development comprising new homes and commercial space contributing towards the Wembley Park neighbourhood.
An initial public consultation was held in October 2022 where community groups and residents attended an online-only webinar presentation of the plans as they existed at the time. In December 2022 and June 2023 we reengaged with local community groups. An additional round of consultation was undertaken in October 2023 to present the updated proposals and seek feedback from the local community.
Following this round of consultation, we reflected on all feedback received before submitting the planning application to Brent Council in July 2024.
Autumn 2024 update
Hill Group and the College of North West London are pleased to confirm that they have now submitted two planning applications to Brent Council seeking planning permission for the residential-led regeneration of their Dollis Hill/Willesden Green and Wembley Park campuses.
You can find out more about the submitted proposals for the Dollis Hill site using the reference: 24/1804 and the Wembley site using the reference: 24/1841 by going to Brent Council’s website. If consented the redevelopment of these sites will help to fund the construction of the College’s new campus in Wembley, which has already secured planning permission.
We would like to thank you for your participation and feedback provided during the consultation period, if you have any queries, please get in touch with the project team on haveyoursay@consultationonline.co.uk or contact us on the freephone line, 020 3398 1590, and a member of the team will call you back.
Our Proposals
Hill’s proposed development will create:

Around 300 high quality 1-, 2-, and 3-bed homes, which will be a mix of both private and affordable

Flexible commercial space at ground floor

A private balcony for every apartment

Green space and trees along the north of the building

Gardens, tree planting, and new ground floor amenity space

Cycle storage for healthy living and active travel
Hill’s commitment to social value
As one of the UK’s Top 15 Housebuilders and a family-owned business, we recognise that we have a part to play in helping the UK meet its sustainability goals, which is why we have committed ourselves to achieving net-zero operational carbon in the homes we build by 2030.
We also recognise the importance of social value to ensure that people are at the heart of all our projects. Looking intimately at our social, economic, and environmental impact ensures we make a positive contribution to the communities that we work in.
2022 Delivered Social Value
- 7,500 hours of school engagement
- 9,019 weeks of ‘earn as you learn’ programmes
- £239,000 donated to charitable causes
- £5.4million social value generated through our programme to support homeless individuals
We have already liaised with several local groups and stakeholders during consultation phase 1.

- Taking care of our natural resources
- Reducing our environmental impacts

- Communities and customers
- Tackling homelessness

- Strategy and responsible business
- Reporting and assurance
- Future proofing